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Dr. PARK Dong Myung emphasizes the role of intellectuals and encourages writing of books.

It is a space to share experience and skills of book writing.

  Impress the Republic of Korea  

It is impressive in all areas such as politics, economics, society, culture, art.


I think people living in this area are all intellectuals.


Not only those who have much knowledge,

Only those with brilliant academic background and career are never intellectuals,

Knowledge, technology, history, culture, various activities, etc. experienced through a trip of life are accumulated

I think that everyone is an "intellectual".


In such a way

Looking back on the way we have lived so far,

I want you to fall autumn with a book that I wrote.


At least until the last moment of my life

Do I have to stretch out three books?

The first is essay collection,

Secondly, autobiography,

Third is a specialized book on my major, experience, occupation and work at work.


To help one person publish more than one book ...

I also developed such an exercise to prepare essays and autobiography,

I think that I will start this work now.


I 'impressed my life and impressed our Korean people, God (Creator)

I will live this land with a historical mission.

We will be able to fulfill this vocation and social responsibility. .

Requests for Dr. Bakdon Myung's lecture can be made via e-mail or mobile phone text messages.


Phone  010-7579-5959 (text message)

PARK DongMyung writer introduction

Full name: PARK Dong Myung

Degree: Doctor of Law


Work place : Seoul Special City Ombudsman (Director of Seoul Director)
(Concurrent position: Professor KOOKMIN University outpatient, unified education committee member of the unification department)

Main activities


I am devoted to writing work and lecture activities based on official work experience.
I am interested in social awareness movement through writing.
I am also interested in political reform and development and I am watching this carefully.
In case

In case
Laboratory: +8201075795959 (mobile phone)
e-MAIL :

Educational background

Doctor of Law (National Graduate school of Jeonnam University)

Graduated from Sungkyunkwan University graduate (social welfare policy major)

Completed doctor of administration at Sungkyunkwan University

Law, social welfare, multiple administrations of administration


Representation of organization

"Improve expertise of public officials President of exercise headquarters (co-authored book)



Main career

1. Women's rights improvement activities (scholars of men interested in women's problems)


In early 2000, Dr. Bakdon Myung worked as a lecturer at the Women's Special Committee under the President (Gender Discrimination Improvement and Sexual Harassment Prevention Education), and at the university including Chonn university and others, studied "Female and Law" I gave a lecture on the period. In particular, he published a book titled "Ladies and Law" mainly on legal issues surrounding women, and won the National Public Service Literary War award, Seoul Special Mayor Award, etc. in this book.

He also appeared every Monday in the "click CBS" program that was advanced to live broadcasting on CBS broadcast, explained and consulted the law problems of women and the family.



2. Social reform movement



He was interested in the mass media problems and social problems in the Gwangju South Jeolla area in the 2000s and started civic groups.

In 2003, he served as Chairman of the Gwangju Minami Democratic Journal Movement Civil Alliance (Democratic People's Union), asserting fair reporting through monitoring of regional media, while at the same time developing activities for the development of healthy regional media I did.

And PBC broadcast "in the world, appeared (today every Thursday) to" today ", dreamed of becoming a healthy society through reform of the local community through current affairs commentaries, media critiques, etc.




3. Execution of public service (administrators, civil servants)




Along with the inauguration of Roh Moo-hyun administration, an open civil servant system was introduced, playing a role as an administrator while working at the Congress of the Gwangju metropolitan city and the parliamentary special committee of Seoul Metropolitan City.

While acting as a special committee, he played a role in reviewing the budget, settlement and autonomous laws and regulations for the work of women, welfare and health care in Seoul City.

And sometimes I tried to practice a certain part of my "confession of faith" which I had confessed as "Hagetonora working for socially weak and difficult people".

4. University lecture


My greatest joy in my lifetime is that I could have opportunities to interact with young students while attending college lectures.

He got a doctorate in law in 1998, has actively lectures such as Minami Nangai University, Korea University, Gwangju from 1999, and since 2007 he has worked for a special member (civil servant) at Seoul City Council, He attended a public university (concurrent permission of Seoul market) and has reached the present.

I always stand on the pulpit.

Discover great expectations from the eyes of students who listen to my words.

The university lecture is going to be steady from now.


5. Various official duties and writing work


After God retired from the civil servants, including the municipal account settlement inspection committee, we listened to the contents of disappointing people, we can arrange for it and give it by arbitrating "Ombudsman", leave the role as "Public Interest Audit Committee" He gave it. It is a very meaningful activity.

In addition, emphasizing the participation of the residents, they decided to have various experiences such as "Gyeonggi Provincial Budget Committee Budget Committee, Planning and Management Chairperson", "Matching Education Resident Participation Council Committee, Administrative System Improvement Committee Chair" .

Especially I challenged Parliamentary elections and also experienced my failed experience.


Life is a process to solve some problems anyway and to overcome the imminent crisis.

Based on this, I prepare a lot of books and are crazy about the lecture.

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